The Senior Army Instructor (SAI) is the department chairperson and chief instructor of the JROTC unit. The rest of the instructor body is made up of the Army instructors (AI). The SAI is an officer, and the AIs are non-commissioned officers (enlisted). In regards to our unit, you may refer to the Instructors page.
Highest Leadership
Our program is a brigade level corps formed of two battalions. That means the highest level of leadership is the Brigade Commander, followed by the Brigade Deputy Commander Officer, the Brigade Executive Officer, and the Brigade Command Sergeant Major.
Staff Duties
G-1 Adjutant​: The brigade G-1 is the administrative assistant to the Brigade Commander, and is also responsible for other administrative duties assigned by the Executive Officer or Instructor Staff. (i.e.: manning board, updating cadet records, company and staff).
G-2 Security​: The brigade G-2 assists the Brigade Commander and the instruction staff in matters pertaining to unit security and enforces the provision of security requirements for the cadet brigade. (i.e.: security for all competitions, fundraisers and events).
G-3 Operations​: The brigade G-3 assists the Brigade Commander in preparation, execution, and all training activities within the brigade. Additionally, they keep the Brigade Commander informed of all training activities. (i.e.: maintaining training schedules for the brigade and keeping records of all the enlisted cadets’ training records (Inputting cadets' training records in JUMS).
G-4 Logistics​: The brigade G-4 is responsible for the maintenance, security, record keeping, issue and turn in of all U.S. government property (except ordinance). The G-4 coordinates securing of property with the G-2 security. (i.e.: uniform distribution, ASU distribution, keeping supply room organized).
G-5/PAO (Public Affairs Officer) Information/Communication & Technology​:​ The brigade G-5 is the contact point between the Hornet Brigade and the representatives of the student bodies, faculty, and local news media. (i.e.: battalion sentinels, picture taking in all events). They also maintain the function of the brigade’s electronic equipment. In addition, they improve all technological devices; update the Hornet Brigade website regularly with the daily, weekly or monthly announcements and events occurring that month. (i.e.: resolve automation issues immediately).
Cadet Creed and our Alma Mater
The Cadet Creed
I am an Army Junior ROTC Cadet. I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school and the Corps of Cadets. I am loyal and patriotic. I am the future of the United States of America. I do not lie, cheat or steal and will always be accountable for my actions and deeds. I will always practice good citizenship and patriotism. I will work hard to improve my mind and strengthen my body. I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared to uphold the Constitution and the American way of life. May God grant me the strength to always live by this creed.
Alma Mater
Through the years of golden moments
Memories of friendships dear,
Hail to the Alma Mater
Sing our Praises Clear.
Green and White Our Colors Bright
Mean to all a guiding light
Ore our campus Green and rolling
Give us knowledge tried and true,
Hail to the Alma Mater
Now we sing to you.